Did you know that there are 3 different search types? It’s vital to know what each one of them does to structure your campaign better.
Let’s go 1 by 1 to help you get a good understanding:
Broad Match:
This is the one that in 2024 Google promotes the most and urges advertisers to structure their campaign around this kind of keywords.
Is it good to use them?
It depends, the downside with Broad keywords is that it can trigger searches that aren’t related to what you’re promoting at all. My advice is to use them in moderation.
Phrase Match:
The definition of Phrase Match keywords is that they trigger ads that include your targeted keywords. This means that it can still trigger irrelevant searches that somehow include your targeted keyword.
Is it a better option than Broad Match keywords? It depends on the goals of your campaign.
Exact Match:
Exact Match keywords are directly related to the keywords that you target; anything pretty close to the keywords you picked for your campaign will be triggered.
Why don’t you use only Exact Match keywords for your campaign then?
2 reasons:
Firstly, If Google has 3 types of keyword types it should be for a reason. So, Broad and Phrase Match have their purpose in Google ads.
The second reason is, if you just use Exact Match, you’re running the risk of getting pretty high CPC and low impressions.
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