Negative Keywords in Google Ads

What is negative keywords in Google Ads?

As you might already know Google’s most common campaign is Search where you can choose keywords that trigger your ad. For example, if you’re a landscaping company, you can target the ‘landscaping companies near me’.

When a user types in the above phrase or similar one, Google will show your ad.

(What I’m describing here is in a simplified version as there are different factors that play a role on whether your ad will be triggered or not, but you get the point.)

But still, we haven’t touched on negative keywords.

In practice, negative keywords are the exact opposite of what keywords are.

Let’s demonstrate that with an example:

Say you don’t want to appear for searches like ‘free landscaping services’.

Add this keyword to your negative keyword list and Google will NOT show your ad when a user types in the above phrase.

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