No Wall to Hang The Google Ads Certification

‘Do I need the Google Ads certification?’

That’s a question that I kept asking myself when I started out.

And I won’t lie, I took the test a couple of times and failed. In fact, the last time I took it I got 76% (you need 80% to pass it). I probably didn’t pass for 1 wrong answer.

What made me not take the test one more time?

I realised that what I was learning while studying for the test was pointless (overall bad advice to say the least).

Google teaches you the way to run Google Ads in 2024 and onwards is the killing combo of these 2:

– Automated Bidding
– Broad Match Keywords

Which is like eating bread paired with pasta while on a diet.

What happens when you combine these 2 is you give Google pretty much full control and this is costly blended with poor results.

Don’t get me wrong, both features have their use in Google Ads and they’re handy when used right…

But they’re not a panacea. They can’t be used in any situation. They can’t be used at the start of a Google Ads campaign (especially if the account is new without much data).

Getting back to the question:

Do I need the Google Ads certification?

I’ll skip it for now and I’ll be a manager that thinks outside the box with a sole aim to help my clients make the most out of Google Ads (even when this means NOT following all the best Google Ads practices).

To learn more about my Google Ads approach go here:


Don’t Stop Here

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